licence(s) and disclaimer

In what follows, the expression ‘the Programs’ refers to the computer programs available from this website.

This webpage describes the generic terms that apply to each of the Programs; additional, Program-specific terms and conditions may be included in the headers of the respective Fortran file(s).


The Programs are copyrighted, and are not to be redistributed without explicit permission — in whatever form — except in very specific circumstances, if any, described in the header of the corresponding Fortran file(s).


As it should be clear — not least because the Programs are not-for-profit (ie gratis) research tools — there is no warranty of any kind, not even suitability for any purpose.


The Programs are copyrighted but may be used for Academic Research and Education activities in basic scientific fields, specially Physics. They may be downloaded for either such purpose, compiled, and then executed on a computer; if necessary, the source files may be edited to modify a few internal parameters, in accordance with the instructions and limitations described in the respective documentation.

Any other use is unauthorized including, but not limited to, use in business and in mission-critical environments.

Users of any of the Programs agree to communicate — in a timely manner, to the author's e-mail address provided on this website — any error that they may happen to find (not yet reported on the bugs webpage, naturally).

Last updated 2024-Jul-05.