Available Publications:

* F. Kleefeld:
On a new unitarization scheme inspired by Dalitz and Tuan applied to meson-meson and meson-baryon scattering
Internal preprint number: FK-2005-8
Proceedings of the HEP2005 Int. Europhysics Conf. on High Energy Physics, 21.-27.7.2005, Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisbon, Portugal
* F. Kleefeld:
Coulomb-scattering and eta-eta' mixing angle
Acta Physica Slovaca 56 (2006) 373-380
Internal preprint number: FK-2005-5
Proceedings of the Eta'05 Workshop on "Production and Decay of eta and eta' Mesons" of the European Research Network "EtaMesonNet", 16.-18.9.2005, Collegium Maius, Krakow, Poland
* F. Kleefeld:
Kurt Symanzik: a stable fixed point beyond triviality
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39 (2006) L9-L15
Internal preprint number: FK-2005-3
* F. Kleefeld:
On (non-hermitian) Lagrangeans in (particle) physics and their dynamical generation
Czech. J. Phys. 55 (2005) 1123-1134
Proceedings of the 3rd Int. Workshop on "Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics", 19.-23.6.2005, Koç University, Instambul, Turkey
Internal preprint number: FK-2005-2
* E. van Beveren, F. Kleefeld, G. Rupp:
Images in Christmas Balls
Eur. J. Phys. 27 (2006) 337-346
Internal preprint number: FK-2005-1
* G. Rupp, F. Kleefeld, E. van Beveren:
Scalar Mesons and Adler Zeros
AIP Conf. Proc. 756 (2005) pp. 360-362
Proceedings of 6th Int. Conf. on "Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VI 2004", 21.-25.9.2004, Tanka Village, Villasimius (Cagliari) Sardinia, Italy
Internal preprint number: FK-2004-5
* Vít Jakubský, Miloslav Znojil, Euclides Augusto Luís, Frieder Kleefeld:
Trigonometric identities, angular Schrödinger equations and a new family of solvable models
Phys. Lett. A 334 (2005) 154-159
Internal preprint number: FK-2004-4
* F. Kleefeld:
The Light and Heavy Scalars in Unitarized Coupled Channel and Lagrangian Approaches
AIP Conf. Proc. 717 (2004) pp. 332-336
Proceedings of 10th International Conference on "Hadron Spectroscopy" (HADRON '03), 31.8.-6.9.2003, Aschaffenburg, Germany
Internal preprint number: FK-2003-4
* M.D. Scadron, F. Kleefeld, G. Rupp, E. van Beveren:
Meson Form Factors in the Quark-Based Linear Sigma Model
Fizika B 13 (2004) pp. 43-56
Internal preprint number: FK-2004-2
* F. Kleefeld:
On Symmetries in (Anti)Causal (Non)Abelian Quantum Theories
pp. 1367 - 1374 in Part 3 (ISBN 966-02-3227-6) of Volume 50 (ISBN 966-02-3224-1) of Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, Editors A.G. Nikitin, V.M. Boyko, R.O. Popovych and I.A.Yehorchenko, Kyiv, Institute of Mathematics, 2004;
Proceedings of 5th International Conference on "Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics", 23.-29.6.2003, Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine
Internal preprint number: FK-2003-3
* M.D. Scadron, G. Rupp, F. Kleefeld, E. van Beveren:
Ground-State Scalar \bar{q}q Nonet: SU(3) Mass Splittings and Strong, Electromagnetic, and Weak Decay Rates
Phys. Rev. D 69 (2004) 014010; Erratum-ibid.: Phys. Rev. D 69 (2004) 059901 (E)
Internal preprint number: FK-2003-2
* M.D. Scadron, G. Rupp, E. van Beveren, F. Kleefeld:
SU(3) Mass Splittings for \bar{q}q Mesons and qqq Baryons
AIP Conf. Proc. 688 (2003) pp. 183-190
Proceedings of High Energy Physics Workshop on "Scalar Mesons: an Interesting Puzzle for QCD", 16.-18.5.2003, SUNY Institute of Technology, Utica, New York, USA
Internal preprint number: FK-2003-1
* F. Kleefeld:
Does it make any sense to talk about a Delta-isobar?
Few-Body Systems Suppl. 15 (2003) pp. 201-206
Proceedings of 2002 CFIF Fall Workshop on "Nuclear Dynamics: from Quarks to Nuclei", 31.10.-2.11.2002, CFIF, IST, Lisboa, Portugal
Internal preprint number: FK-2002-5
* M.D. Scadron, F. Kleefeld, G. Rupp, E. van Beveren:
Meson Form Factors and the Quark-Level Linear Sigma Model
Nucl. Phys. A 724 (2003) pp. 391-409
Internal preprint number: FK-2002-2
* E. van Beveren, G. Rupp, N. Petropoulos, F. Kleefeld:
The light scalar mesons within quark models
AIP Conf. Proc. 660 (2003) pp. 353-366
Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on "Hadron Physics - Effective Theories of Low Energy QCD", 25.9.-29.9.2002, CFT, Univ. Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
(ISBN 0-7354-0120-9)
Internal preprint number: FK-2002-3
* F. Kleefeld:
Consistent relativistic Quantum Theory for systems/particles described by non-Hermitian Hamiltonians and Lagrangians
AIP Conf. Proc. 660 (2003) pp. 325-338
Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on "Hadron Physics - Effective Theories of Low Energy QCD", 25.9.-29.9.2002, CFT, Univ. Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
(ISBN 0-7354-0120-9)
Internal preprint number: FK-2002-4
* M.D. Scadron, F. Kleefeld, G. Rupp, E. van Beveren:
Meson Form Factors in the Quark-Level Linear Sigma Model
AIP Conf. Proc. 660 (2003) pp. 311-324
Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on "Hadron Physics - Effective Theories of Low Energy QCD", 25.9.-29.9.2002, CFT, Univ. Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
(ISBN 0-7354-0120-9)
Internal preprint number: FK-2002-6
* F. Kleefeld:
ISI and FSI in NN--> NNX reactions
Proc. of the Symp. on "Threshold meson production in pp and pd interaction", COSY-11 collaboration meeting, Cracow, Poland, June 20-24, 2001,
Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich, Reihe Materie und Material / Matter and Material, Volume 11 (2002) p. 51-86
Editors P. Moskal and M. Wolke, (c) Forschungszentrum Jülich, 2002
(ISBN 3-89336-307-6)
Internal preprint number: FK-2001-2
* E. van Beveren, F. Kleefeld, G. Rupp, M.D. Scadron:
Remarks on the f_0 (400-1200) scalar meson as the dynamically generated chiral partner of the pion
Mod. Phys. Lett. A, Vol. 17, No. 25 (2002) pp. 1673-1684
Internal preprint number: FK-2002-1
* F. Kleefeld, E. van Beveren, G. Rupp, M.D. Scadron:
Identifying the quark content of the isoscalar mesons f_0 (980), f_0 (1370), and f_0 (1500) from weak and electromagnetic processes
Phys. Rev. D 66 (2002) 034007
Internal preprint number: FK-2001-3
* F. Kleefeld, E. van Beveren, G. Rupp:
The pionic width of the Omega (782) meson within a well-defined, unitary quantum field theory of (anti-)particles and (anti-)holes
Nucl. Phys. A 694 (2001) p. 470
Internal preprint number: FK-2001-1
* F. Kleefeld:
ABSSM - a new field-theoretic method of describing scattering/production processes of composite particles by asymptotic in-/outgoing Bethe-Salpeter states
Nucl. Phys. A 689 (2001) p. 471
Proceedings of Few-Body "Évora 2000", XVII'th European Conference on "Few-Body Problems in Physics", 11.9.-16.9.2000, Évora, Portugal
Internal preprint number: FK-2000-2
* F. Kleefeld:
Consistent Effective Description of Nucleonic Resonances in an Unitary Relativistic Field-Theoretic Way
Proceedings of XIV International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (ISHEPP 98), Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics, 17.8.-22.8.1998, JINR, Dubna, Russia , Volume I, p. 69 - 77
Editors A.M. Baldin, V.V. Burov, (c) Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, 2000
(Volume I: ISBN 5-85165-570-4; Volume II: ISBN 5-85165-571-2)
Internal preprint number: FAU-TP3-98 / 11
* F. Kleefeld:
ISI/FSI in Threshold Meson Production - Onshell Approach and Coulomb Problem
nucl-th/0005037 v3
Acta Physica Polonica B, Vol. 31, No. 10-11 (2000) p. 2225
Proceedings of "MESON 2000", Workshop on Production, Properties and Interaction of Mesons, 19.5.-23.5.2000, Cracow, Poland
Internal preprint number: FK-2000-1
* F. Kleefeld:
Threshold Behaviour of Meson-Nucleon-S_11(1535) Vertexfunctions and Determination of the S_11(1535) Mixing Angle
nucl-th/9910010 v2
Proceedings of Eighth International Symposium on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon (MENU 1999), Zuoz, Engadine, Switzerland, 15.-21.8.1999
piN-NEWSLETTER No. 15 (1999) p. 250 - 253
Editors D. Drechsel, G. Höhler, W. Kluge, H. Leutwyler, B.M.K. Nefkens, H.-M. Staudenmaier
(c) 1999, Institut für experimentelle Kernphysik (IEKP), Universität Karlsruhe, and Department of Physics of UCLA (ISSN 0942-4148)
Internal preprint number: FAU-TP3-99 / 7
* F.J. Bueche, E. Hecht (Translation by F. Kleefeld):
(Schaum's) Physik (German translation of the 9th edition, 440 pages)
Editors H. Fuchs, Ch. Kriesi, (c) 1999, McGraw-Hill International (UK) Ltd. (ISBN 3-89028-944-4)
* F. Kleefeld:
Exklusive Schwellenproduktion von $\pi^0$-, $\eta$- und $K^+$-Mesonen in Proton-Proton-Stößen
Doctoral Thesis (University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, June 1999)
(Attention: compressed version: 1505573 Bytes (disert.ps.gz), uncompressed version: 9346640 Bytes (disert.ps))
Also available: English (short) version of the thesis (Some selected chapters are translated. For the remaining chapters an english abstract is given)
* F. Kleefeld, M. Dillig:
Protoninduced Pion-, Eta- and Kaon-Production at Threshold
Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on the Structure of Baryons (Baryons '98), University of Bonn, Germany, September 22-26, 1998, p. 613 - 616
Editors D.W. Menze, B. Metsch, (c) 1999, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd (ISBN 981-02-3865-7)
Internal preprint number: FAU-TP3-98 / 19
* F. Kleefeld:
Consistent effective field-theoretic treatment of resonances with non zero width
nucl-th/9806060 v2
Acta Physica Polonica B, Vol. 30, No. 4 (1999) p. 981
Internal preprint number: FAU-TP3-98 / 10
* F. Kleefeld, M. Dillig:
Protoninduced Pion-, Eta- and Kaon-Production at Threshold (Abstract of the poster contribution and preprint FAU-TP3-98 / 17)
Contribution to Handbook of the Eighth International Conference on the Structure of Baryons (Baryons '98), University of Bonn, Germany, September 22-26, 1998
* F. Kleefeld:
Consistent Effective Description of Nucleonic Resonances in an Unitary Relativistic Field-Theoretic Way (Abstract)
Contribution to the Conference handbook of XIV International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (ISHEPP 98), Relativistic Nuclear Physics & Quantum Chromodynamics, 17.8.-22.8.1998, JINR, Dubna, Russia
(c) 1998, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (ISBN 5-85165-510-0)
* F. Kleefeld, M. Dillig:
Reinvestigation of $pp\rightarrow pp\pi^0$ and $pp\rightarrow pp\eta$ at threshold
nucl-th/9806057 v2
Acta Physica Polonica B, Vol. 29, No. 11 (1998) p. 3059 (Proceedings of the Meson 98 workshop in Cracow, Poland)
Internal preprint number: FAU-TP3-98 / 9
* F. Kleefeld:
Protoninduzierte Schwellenproduktion von schweren/seltsamen Mesonen an Protonen und Kernen: Physik im Grenzbereich zwischen effektiven Freiheitsgraden und Quarks.
Beitrag zum Teilnehmerhandbuch der 29. Herbstschule für Hochenergiephysik, Maria Laach, 9.-19. September 1997
* P. Hasenfratz (Notes by F. Kleefeld and T. Kraus):
Fascinating Field Theory: Quantum Field Theory, Renormalization Group, and Lattice Regularization in Lectures on QCD - Foundations (Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 481, p. 1),
Editors F. Lenz, H. Grießhammer, D. Stoll, (c) 1997, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (ISBN 3-540-62543-7)
* F. Kleefeld, M. Dillig, F. Pilotto:
Proton induced $K^+$ production and the $s\bar{s}$ content of the proton
Acta Physica Polonica B, Vol. 27, No. 11 (1996) p. 2867 (Proceedings of the Meson 96 workshop in Cracow, Poland)
Internal preprint number: FAU-TP3-96 / 8
* F. Kleefeld, M. Dillig:
Contribution to Handbook of the Conference "Physics with GeV-Particle Beams",Jülich, August 22-25, 1994 (Modified version of the contribution to "Few Body XIV"-handbook)
* F. Kleefeld, M. Dillig, B. Michel:
Bethe-Salpeter Approach to Relativistic Two-Fermion Systems with Nonstatic Interaction.
Contribution to Handbook of the Conference "Few Body XIV" Amsterdam, August 23-28, 1993
Editor: L.P. Kok, ISBN 90 5294 080 0
* F. Kleefeld, M. Dillig, B. Michel:
Bethe-Salpeter-Approach to Relativistic Two-Fermion-Systems with Separable Nonstatic Interaction.
Poster contribution to the Conference "Few Body XIV" Amsterdam, August 23-28, 1993
Internal preprint number: FAU-TP3-95 / 1
* F. Kleefeld:
Die Zwei-Fermion-Bethe-Salpeter-Gleichung mit einem nicht-statischen, separablen, skalar-vektoriell-pseudoskalaren Potentialkern. Anwendungsbeispiel: Elastische Elektron-Deuteron-Streuung in Impulsapproximation.
Diploma Thesis (University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, May 1993)
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