Some top cited papers (with over 50 citations,
in reverse chronological order)
Hadronic, Nuclear and Particle Physics
Eef van Beveren, George Rupp,
"Observed Ds(2317) and tentative D(2100-2300) as the charmed
cousins of the light scalar nonet",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (2003) 012003 (4 pp).
S.A. Larin, P. Nogueira, T. van Ritbergen, J.A.M. Vermaseren,
"The 3-loop QCD calculation of the moments of the deep inelastic structure
Nucl. Phys. B 492 (1997) 338-378.
P. Nogueira,
"Automatic Feynman graph generation",
J. Comput. Phys. 105 (1993) 279-289.
E. van Beveren, T. A. Rijken, K. Metzger, C. Dullemond, G. Rupp,
J. E. Ribeiro,
"A low-lying scalar meson nonet in a unitarized meson model",
Z. Phys. C 30 (1986) 615-620.
E. Van Beveren, G. Rupp, T.A. Rijken, C. Dullemond,
"Radial spectra and hadronic decay widths of light and heavy mesons",
Phys. Rev. D 27 (1983) 1527-1543.
J. Emílio T. Ribeiro,
"Microscopic calculation of the repulsive core in the elastic nucleon-nucleon
Z. Phys. C 5 (1980) 27-35.
Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
P. Schlottmann, P. D. Sacramento,
"Multichannel Kondo problem and some applications",
Advances in Physics 42 (1993) 641-682.
P. D. Sacramento, P. Schlottmann,
"Low-temperature properties of a two-level system interacting with conduction
Phys. Rev. B 43 (1991) 13294-13304.
P. D. Sacramento, P. Schlottmann,
"The quadrupolar Kondo effect: lattice instability and large
Phys. Lett. A 142 (1989) 245-250.