qgraf   |   (older) known problems
problems reported at least five years ago
  • Description:   problematic error messages about model-functions.
    Affected versions:   3.4 ,  3.4.1
    Status:   fixed (3.4.2)
    Found/reported by:   author, on 2019-04-06
  • Description:plink is faulty (with ‘true’).
    Affected versions:   3.4
    Status:   fixed (3.4.1)
    Found/reported by:   author, on 2019-03-16
  • Description:   no diagram is generated if options nosnail and notadpole are both specified.
    Affected versions:   3.4
    Status:   fixed (3.4.1)
    Found/reported by:   author, on 2019-03-03
    Remarks:   in this case “notadpole” is redundant, and may be omitted.
  • Description:   two of the propagator types displayed on the screen may be wrong.
    Affected versions:   3.2 ,  3.3
    Status:   fixed (3.4)
    Found/reported by:   author, on 2019-01-08
  • Description:   option nosigma and it dual may not work properly if diagrams have singular bridges (ie tadpoles).
    Affected versions:   1.3 to 3.3
    Status:   fixed (3.4)
    Found/reported by:   author, on 2018-12-19
  • Description:   user-defined model-constants may bring the program execution to an abrupt stop.
    Affected versions:   3.0 to 3.2
    Status:   fixed (3.3)
    Found/reported by:   author, on 2018-07-28
  • Description:   some style-files (not from the official distribution) may be processed incorrectly.
    Affected versions:   3.0 to 3.1.5
    Status:   fixed (3.2)
    Found/reported by:   author, on 2018-05-04
    Remarks:   this type of problem should be quite obvious: either the program aborts or the diagram description will be incomplete.
  • Description:   the diagram index may be wrong if the number of diagrams is large ( > 8×108 ); this also applies to the number(s) of diagrams displayed on the screen.
    Affected versions:   3.1.5
    Status:   fixed (3.2)
    Found/reported by:   author, on 2018-04-17
  • Description:vsum may not work properly.
    Affected versions:   3.1 ,  3.1.1
    Status:   fixed (3.1.2)
    Found/reported by:   a user, on 2010-09-10
  • Description:psum may not work properly.
    Affected versions:   3.1
    Status:   fixed (3.1.1)
    Found/reported by:   author, on 2008-04-03
  • Description:   one of the propagator numbers displayed on the screen may be wrong.
    Affected versions:   3.1
    Status:   fixed (3.1.1)
    Found/reported by:   author